extensions dublin

Expand Your Horizons: Seamless Home Extensions by Tilegenie

Feeling squeezed for space? Does your growing family or evolving needs require more room? Here at Tilegenie, we can help you achieve your dream home without the hassle of moving. Our expert team specializes in crafting beautiful and functional home extensions that seamlessly blend with your existing property, adding valuable square footage and enhancing your lifestyle.

Why Choose Tilegenie for Your Home Extension?

  • Experience & Expertise: With a proven track record in home extensions, we possess the knowledge and expertise to handle projects of all sizes and complexities, ensuring a seamless addition to your property.
  • Personalized Design Solutions: We prioritize creating an extension that perfectly complements your existing home’s style and functionality, catering to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Stress-Free Project Management: Our dedicated project managers ensure clear communication, address any concerns promptly, and minimize disruption to your daily life throughout the construction process.
  • Turnkey Solutions: We handle everything from design and planning to construction and finishing touches, eliminating the need to coordinate with multiple contractors.
  • Transparent Communication & Competitive Rates: We prioritize clear communication regarding timelines and costs. You’ll receive a detailed breakdown of all expenses upfront, with no hidden fees.
extensions tallaght